Reclaiming The Pagan Cultural Narrative
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Reclaiming The Pagan Cultural Narrative

The main thrust of my argument is that, as Christian Nationalism and it’s call for authoritarianism rise in the United States, the Pagan community will come under increasing attack and condemnation rooted in a lack of understanding about who and what we are. This lack of understanding is a result of us ceding the cultural narrative of what it means to be pagan, what we actually believe, and how our beliefs manifest in our community to capitalist media and assimilationist politics as a result of our inherently insular communities. To combat this we must each become more engaged and public in our communities by putting our faith into action.

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Personal: Magical Thinking Won’t Stop Fascism
Personal White Rose Witching Personal White Rose Witching

Personal: Magical Thinking Won’t Stop Fascism

I’m writing this blog post after driving to work listening to a podcast that just made me more and more frustrated. I’m not going to say which podcast it was because I’ve spent my entire adult life on the internet and the current social media culture doesn’t exactly allow for nuanced critique. The episode was about taking care of yourself in this larger socio-political global moment and navigating the feelings of shame, guilt, obligation that come up when feeling like you need to prioritize your own safety and sanity. This is something that deeply resonates with me right now and I was hoping for a few “A-ha!” moments, and instead I got a greatest hits of what I can only call privileged magical thinking.

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